Every day it feels like the world is moving in a backward direction. Therefore everyday activism is more important than ever! Whether it’s small acts of resistance, or getting out of our comfort zones and putting our bodies on the line, everyday activism takes many forms … including social media.
Like you, we, at Krull, all have that one friend on social media who is there fighting injustice with humor, keeping us conscious, honest and woke.
Elin H A Stenberg caught our eye on Instagram.
Krull: Do you consider yourself an activist?
Elin: No, I am a Slacktivist, a keyboard warrior and sometimes woo girl for the real activists. And yeah I’m very proud of the woo girl thing. They deserve their own pep squad!
What does your activism look like?
The activists I know talk the talk and walk the walk. Me, I talk the talk and sometimes I might walk a little. However, I feel that Swedish people fail to see and acknowledge how big a problem the structural racism in this country really is. That is something that’s always present in my day to day life, so to me, it’s very important not to let remarks, microaggressions, etc. slide. I’ll take that fight every time.
What activist(s) do you admire?
I want to show support for the local heroes. People I know, people I’ve met in person and not only those I read about.
I admire Natalia Murobha, the artist/painter. She weaves in commentary on current events in her art with finesse. I also love that she often celebrates her black sisters and brothers.
Seluah Alsaati [rapper/politician/performance artist/poet], aka superwoman. She goes above and beyond to fight for a better and fairer future. She is a natural force, a super woman and if we all were a bit more like her we’d already have world peace.
Mariama Jobe. If the pen is mightier than the sword, then hers is a nuclear bomb.

photography ANDREA DAVIS KRONLUND @andreakronlund
styling SAMANTHA BRAUN @afropolonia
makeup JENNIFER KALLIN KILMAN @byjenniferkilman
model ELIN H A STENBERG @bad.ux
BRANDS: Carin Wester, Langaeble, Oscar Jacobson, Pello Bello, Saint Tropez, Samsoe o Samsoe, Sofia Weman, Tamaris, Zara