“And the category is” … BOI!
Braving the rainy, summer elements and stomping along the streets once trod by radical Black queers and former Harlemites like Baldwin himself, Bryan marched fearlessly through the streets of Harlem NYC in head-turning looks, literally… head. turning. looks! Catcalls were par for the course from a few of the broken necks … as were calls to weeerk! (We also couldn’t get enough of this posing, earning 10s across the board.)
Amidst the fun, we were reminded of ourselves and our family, friends and allies who march to the beat of their own drum … those who endure daily looks, jeers and cheers that range from encouraging to endangering. For us and for them, this moment was not about masc or fem, positions, preferences or labels of any sort. It was about daring to just be.
On this day and year-round, the real vogue-ing category is fearless love and acceptance.
March on our LGBTQIA+ friends and family!
Love yourselves and each other as much as Krull loves you.
Happy Pride!

photography MAGNUS SWÄRD @swardphotography
styling RL PEARSALL @rl_pearsall
model BRYAN SWANSTON @bnsmodel
clothing MUSICCI @musicciofficial
boots PALLADIUM @palladium_boots
accessories STYLIST’S OWN
location HARLEM NYC