Laundry. Mopping. Windows. Vacuuming.
Who loves chores? We don’t!
And neither does this diva. She counts karats, she doesn’t cook carrots!
But even the best kept housewife can get a little blue while waiting on her lover or next social event.
And that’s when she takes to her closet. Slipping into silk, painting her face, layering on jewels and cuddling her fur … it’s a glam party for one!
With so much luxury at her fingertips, we don’t think she’ll be blue for long.

photography ANDREA DAVIS KRONLUND @daviskronlund
styling RL PEARSALL @rl_pearsall
hair & makeup KIM IKONEN JENNINGS @kimikonencreatives
model AMANDA E / MP STOCKHOLM @mpmanagementstockholm