What are the most important life lessons you’ve learnt so far?
If you don’t appreciate what you have, you might as well not have it.
The universe works in that way. It may not bless you with the things you want in life, because everything starts with appreciation and positive energy. I believe that whatever you give out is what you receive. Through appreciation comes happiness, and happiness brings fortunes in life.
Something that should never go out of fashion.
Snake print boots or heels. Crop tops. Oversized pants. T-shirts. Hoodies. Leather & jeans jackets. Hats too!
Your most fashionable friend. Why?
Haha! I am the fashionable friend. Fashion for me is another way of introducing myself to the world and how I perceive myself. You can also tell what mood I’m in through my fashion sense.

A fashion trend you’d resurrect.
I feel like Bella Hadid has done that job for me already, cause i love vintage looks, like the 90’s and she have pretty well brought that back. I guess I’m grateful for that. Haha! Great minds think alike!
What was the most surprising thing that happened to you recently?
I think COVID has made me become more in tune with myself and I guess a lot people can relate. I feel like the whole isolation thing and staying away from each other or being forced to kind of “hang out” with yourself. Made people start to get know themselves again and do stuff they had stopped enjoying because of the stress life put us through everyday. So know I feel like my mental state and spiritual side of me, is stronger and stable. For example: I’ve started to pick up painting again which i had forgotten and some other new hobbies. I guess that’s the positive side of the whole year of 2020.
If you had one superpower, what would it be?
If had super powers, it would be reading people’s mind. People’s minds have always intrigued me.