As the first nips of fall arrived a few weeks ago, we went into the “öppna landskap” north of Stockholm to just lie in the grass, stare at the sky, breathe deeply, and dream before the coming indoor season.
silk dress KUEENsilk dress & scarf KUEEN, socks H&M, sandals ECCO, jewellery STYLIST’S OWNsweater WE TWO, dress CARIN WESTER, jacket PELLOBELLOjacket PELLOBELLO, dress CARIN WESTER, boots APAIRLeft: as before / Right: socks H&M, sandals BIRKENSTOCKcoat SCOTCH & SODA, silk kimono KUEEN, bag CARIN WESTER, shorts MODEL’S OWN, socks H&M, sandals BIRKENSTOCK, ski poles K2scarf KAPPAHL, dress & coat M. WIESNECK, boots TAMARIShairclip BY BARBtop PELLOBELLO, shorts MODEL’S OWN, boots SECONDHAND (H&M Studio), bracelets from Burkina Faso STYLIST’S OWN, mask MADE BY STYLIST
photography ANDREA DAVIS KRONLUND@daviskronlund styling GUNILLA MCLEOD shoot assistant & title graphics ISOBEL KRONLUND model TAYLOR MCLEOD@taylorikm